Colon Hydrotherapy

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy is the gentle rinsing of the colon with warm purified water to help release encrusted fecal matter, gas and mucus from the large intestine. This allows vital nutrients to be absorbed more easily and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and healthier. Colonics can also help restore and reshape the colon. It is also an accepted prep for colonoscopy.
When you come in for a colonic at Healing Hands Massage and Wellness Center LLC, there are a few things you should be aware of in preparation for your session. This is to help set your expectations for a good experience.
At Healing Hands Massage and Wellness Center LLC, we utilize the Angel Of Water ® open system colon hydrotherapy devices. With open system devices, the client is given the rectal nozzle to insert into their rectum before the process begins. Our colon therapists instruct the client on this procedure at their first visit during the initial consultation and can remind them at subsequent visits if necessary. The therapist then leaves the room to allow them the time to do this.
Once the client has the nozzle inserted, they call for the therapist to return to the room by using a pager located to their left. At that time, the therapist starts the flow of water. The therapist does their best to maintain the client’s modesty during their visit and can generally tell if the nozzle is inserted correctly once the flow of water is started. Some people will experience some cramping and a warm heating pad is provided to ease the discomfort. A bottle of peppermint oil is on a table near the client in the event that they experience nausea. While seated on the device, the client is in control of the flow of water and may stop it at any time by toggling a button on their left.
Once the water is turned on and is flowing into the colon, you are asked to hold the water for as long as you are able. Typically, half a gallon is enough to get down to the beginning of the colon for a more productive session. The idea of colon hydrotherapy is to use the water pressure to get deeper into the colon to start moving out older fecal matter and is ultimately up to the client to decide how long they can hold the water before they release. This is done several times to ensure that approximately eight gallons of water is used during the session.
For clients dealing with chronic constipation, or who have had periodic episodes of constipation, it is likely that not all the contents of the colon will be released in one session. This takes several sessions to remove all fecal matter, and depends on several factors:
How much material is in the colon.
How hydrated/dehydrated the colon is at the time of the colonic.
The client’s own stamina or tolerance for the process, which can be uncomfortable.
For these reasons, we recommend our new clients try to plan at least four visits within a two week period for the most successful results. A series of colonics is the best way to ensure the removal of a good portion of old fecal matter for those dealing with a full or impacted colon. It is not required, but for optimal cleansing, a series is the best option.
After a colonic, you are advised on how to care for yourself with a simple and gentle 24-48 hour diet . Sometimes a client will feel some bloating or slight cramping afterwards, which indicates a need to return for a follow-up colonic within 1-2 days. Typically, clients feel much better after their session, with a lightness in their digestive tract as the main result. Some say they feel more energetic and some feel tired post-colonic. Both are common effects and depend on the individual.
Clients should expect to have several colonics if they are trying to clean out their colon and have been constipated for a while. One colonic cannot fix a lifetime or even one to two weeks of constipation.. However, the majority of people feel better once some of the old, stubborn fecal matter is released and the toxic load on the body is lessened by a degree. Colon hydrotherapy is just one step in helping you on your journey to greater health, and we, at Healing Hands Massage and Wellness LLC, look forward to working with you.
What can I expect?
Colon hydrotherapy involves the safe, gentle infusion of warm water into the colon via the rectum, using a disposable rectal nozzle. The client’s privacy is always maintained during the session. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy can be both relaxing and effective. A healthy well-functioning bowel is essential for the maintenance of optimal health. This vital organ remains the most neglected in the human body. When the blood stream is overloaded with toxic waste, the body can function at a lower level.
Irrigating the colon hydrates it, softening and loosening dry impacted stool. This activation can help to improve natural peristalsis, which then may initiate bowel movements for greater cleansing of the large intestine.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any medical issue. Consult your healthcare provider if you have any medical concerns.
I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapists use FDA registered equipment and follow high standards of practice as set forth by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. Healing Hands has two state of the art Angel of Water Colon Hydrotherapy systems on our premises.
1. Please review the Personal History Form prior to your appointment. Click on the icon to the right to see the form.
You can print a form, complete it and bring it with you to your appointment or you may arrive 15 minutes early to complete the form in our office.
2. Upon review of the personal history form, please be certain to review the contraindications section.
If you have any contraindications, please call us as you may be required to get a doctor’s prescription from an MD or DO, prior to receiving this service.
One Session........ $110
Four Sessions..... $100 each (total $400)
Ten Sessions....... $90 each (total $900)
Coffee Enema.... $40 Add on with Colonic...$20
For additional information about colon hydrotherapy, please review the links below: